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Understanding The City

Faculty of Planning, Foundation Studio 2020

Urban Land 

Land-use map describes the existing purpose each plot of land serves and the location, distribution and total area of different land uses at the precinct level.

Floor space index (FSI) is an indicator of built density and expressed as the ratio of floor space (Built-up) to the plot area.


Gross FSI





Residential Land Area 


Distance from the City Center ( in Kilometres )

Population of the Precinct ( in thousands )



The selected site is 1 square kilometer in area and the results below are for this selected site.

Dwelling Units

NanaMava 2

Evolution of the precinct from 2000s

Road Networks 

Block perimeter is a parameter used to assess the connectivity and accessibility for pedestrian users.

It is a predictor for walking activity.

Average block perimeter ( in meters )


Road Hierarchy is the classification of roads in terms of its functions and capacity. Higher the road hierarchy prioritizes mobility over accessibility.

Area under Roads  


Street Density ( kms/ )



Public Space

A figure-ground diagram illustrates the relationship between built and open space in precincts. Open spaces such as streets, parks, natural features and plazas are represented by white, while  black indicates buildings.

Nolli's map is utilized as a method to identify different types of public realm in students’ precincts.The map is then used to also analyze the degree of ‘public-ness’ basis access restrictions pertaining to gender, time, age and cost.


Built Area 


Un-built Area


Area under public use 





Rajkot is one the fastest growing city, due to rapid changes in the city, The report comprises of key factors which help to understand city morphology. It briefly describes city networks, form, and patterns, public spaces. the report is based on preliminary observation which is derived from satellite imagery. (Goggle earth). and decode the layers based on theories of urban planning, the layers are analyzed based on Understanding history, street networks, land use and city density, public realm on where people go for there leisure time after work, where do children play?. As the precinct area is a great example of urban fringe development this study helps to on how the street is expanding towards the existing city area and forming into a bigger city as a whole in a radial pattern.
the Nana Mava area, which is an urban fringe, the village area that became part of the city. So the observation is mainly based on how does this area transformed due to government intervention and what are the positives and negative aspects for the same. The analysis is done on preliminary observation by the author, which has been put together to find interpretation from the existing site conditions. The precinct area has been studies to understand how does green filed agriculture land changes to mix and use. What are the major triggers which lead to the transformation of the precinct area, how does people�s livelihood, built environment, are affected, The Analysis done more micro to macro analysis where the precinct is analyzed from the satellite image to understand the built footprint and relation to built typology. Thus, the transformation in this area is constantly changing, which is highlighted in this report.



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